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box (4)console (1)dos (1)dosbox (1)errors (1)fixes (1)future (1)nintendon (1)operating system (4)software (4)virtual box (4)virtual disk (1)virtualbox (3)virtualize (3)vm (3)wii (1)
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0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Chapter 5. Virtual storage
cloning virtual disks. each virtual disk gets a UUID, and virtualbox will not allow duplicate UUIDs. so, it's important to CLONE images rather than to COPY them!
box, errors, fixes, operating system, softwar...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS
box, dos, dosbox, operating system, software,...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ List of Virtual Console games (North America)...
List of virtual console games for nintendo wii...also includes list of future games that will be added
console, future, nintendon, virtual, wii
0 ✔ | 2 ♥ VirtualBox
Free VM software
box, operating system, software, virtual, vir...
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