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JonWire's bookmarks

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71 to 80 of 768 results Order by recency | popularity
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon...
aws, development, dynamodb, programming, read...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ - Modern Web App Design Patterns
Focuses mostly on react, but goes through a GoF-like patterns updated for webdev.
architecture, coding, development, web develo...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Get Started with WebRTC - HTML5 Rocks
signals, jerry.
development, p2p, peer to peer, web developme...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Home - CHAOSS
CHAOSS is a Linux Foundation project focused on creating analytics and metrics to help define community health
chaoss, development, metrics, open source, we...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ 404PageFound – Active Vintage Websites, Old...
archives, web, web development
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Strict function types by ahejlsberg · Pull R...
TS Pull Request outlining why methods are not strictly checked: "The stricter checking applies to all function types, except those originating in method or construcor declarations. Methods are excluded specifically to ensure generic classes and interfaces (such as Array<T>) continue to mostly relate covariantly."
contravariance, covariance, development, prog...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Covariance and Contravariance in TypeScript
Good explanation of covariance and contravariance in TS.
contravariance, covariance, development, prog...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Understanding infer in TypeScript - LogRocket...
javascript, ts, typescript, web development
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ WireGuard: fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel
Simple, fully roaming VPN. If the server itself changes its own endpoint, and sends data to the clients, the clients will discover the new server endpoint and update the configuration just the same. Both client and server send encrypted data to the most recent IP endpoint for which they authentically decrypted data. Thus, there is full IP roaming on both ends.
vpn, wireguard
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