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JonWire's bookmarks

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11 to 20 of 33 results Order by recency | popularity
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Continuous Delivery - Martin Fowler
Continuous Delivery is a software development discipline where you build software in such a way that the software can be released to production at any time.
agile, continuous delivery, continuous integr...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Continuous Delivery: Anatomy of the Deploymen...
The deployment pipeline is the key pattern that enables continuous delivery. A deployment pipeline implementation provides visibility into the production readiness of your applications by giving feedback on every change to your system. It also enables team members to self-service deployments into their environments. Learn how to create and manage a deployment pipeline, and how to use the crucial information it provides on the bottlenecks in your software delivery process so you can work to continuously improve it.
agile, continuous delivery, continuous integr...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ development process - Frankly, do you prefer ...
stages of a programmer's personal growth with respect to "cowboy coding"
architecture, coding, cowboy coding, developm...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ OWASP - Security Principles
best practices, development, owasp, principle...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Facebook Open Graph Object Debugger
Shows what Facebook's sharer.php will display for a given URL
debug, development, facebook, open graph, sha...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ cordova-plugin-lowlatencyaudio/ at m...
Cordova Low Latency Audio Plugin for iOS and Android
android, audio, cordova, development, html5, ...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ OpenFB/ at master · ccoenraets/Open...
OpenFB is a micro-library that lets you integrate your JavaScript applications with Facebook. It works for both browser-based and Cordova/PhoneGap apps.
cordova, development, facebook, mobile develo...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Visual Studio Community Edition
Free Visual Studio edition for individual developers and companies contributing to open source projects.
asp dot net, c sharp, development, ide, open ...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction.
agile, development, engineering, extreme prog...
0 ✔ | 1 ♥ SparkNET
hmm ...
development, dotcoms, sparknet
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